Just spent 3.5 hours weaving in ends on one Christmas stocking! and people wonder why i'm not thrilled with knitting them...
Only four more to go and then I can knit something that I like to knit. can't wait so I'm working as fast as the healing hand/wrist will allow. Want to get back to Mayapple shawl and a few other things.
We have other ends happening here and today I was thinking about them. Honey's grown daughter and our 18 year old granddaughter are moving for a few weeks until they depart for Texas and Arizona. The furniture goes first and so we have family with us for awhile. Got out a box of pictures this morning and started to glance through them.
Our grandkids have grown up! Oh my, I don't feel so old but the years don't lie. The oldest grandson is 26, a college graduate and just got a recording contract. The next grandson is 24, in the Air Force and a daddy! Our oldest granddaughter is 22 and getting ready to graduate from college and in love! Are we ready for this? And then the next grandson is going to be a junior in college at OU. I'm skipping the next one- the gran moving in with us for now.
The next grandson is 17, in high school and a soccer star. And he is so tall! Then we move to the 10 year old ( on July 11) and he is moving to Fairbanks as in Alaska! Oivay - when do I stop all this change?
Of course we still have #8, the youngest granddaughter living close by but the 18 year old granddaughter - the one who will be with us for a few weeks- is moving to Tuscon! I think I'll nail her feet to the kitchen floor. She has lived nearby (within 15 miles) all her life and we have been able to be a part of things. From chasing her around the house when she was 2 years old and a streaker to events in high school to birthday parties to trips to the mall, etc.
Am going to miss those things- a lot.
So we'll just have to make the best of the time we have now and take a wander through those old pictures together one more time. She'll just have to put up with this old sentimental fool for a little while.
Is this an end or just the beginning of a wonderful adventure? I'm voting for adventure!
1 comment:
Makes you kind of wish for the old days when family where all within one day's buggy ride away from each other. Looks like there will be some plane rides in your future.
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