Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Back to work!

It feels so good to be back and the hands are moving!  Jo and I are busy working up samples to tempt you.

In fact, the other night I thought I had to start more projects.  Like I can knit all night and in the morning - voila!  the fairies came and finished them!  I wish - sometimes.

Do you like the thrill of finished work or are you a process knitter?  I know I've asked before but sometimes, just sometimes, it's the thrill of the knit or crochet itself.  Isn't it?

So here are some of the ideas we are playing with.  And the yarns.  Of course, it's about the yarns.

Rae-Ann stopped in the other day and she was working on a simple lace scarf in Findley from Juniper Moon.  Lovely yarn. and the pattern is an easy first lace pattern.  Here's the link and a pic of mine because of course I had to start one too!  http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/feather-and-fan-short-scarf

A couple of weeks ago I found another pattern on Ravelry but couldn't knit at the time.  So I downloaded it and was able to start this past weekend.  Wanted to make it fun so I chose Opal's Dancing Socks 6 ply and used a #7 needle to open it up.  This is a version of Wingspan using feather and fan stitch pattern.  Here's the link:  http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/ebbing

  Lantern Moon's new Indochine arrived a week early and who wouldn't want to play with 100% silk?  So Jo started a scarf in green.  Here's the link for the pattern:  http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/candle-flame-scarf-3.  When I saw the beautiful stitch definition I took photos of the right and wrong side.  Amazing!  See for yourself.


Top is right side and center is wrong side.  And it feels so soft.

Do you rip?  Does it break your heart to see all that work go away?  But in your heart of hearts you just know that the yarn and pattern aren't made for each other?  That happened yesterday.  I had to admit that the yarn and pattern weren't showing each other off to the best of either.  It was mostly based on the color of the yarn.  Can there be too much color?  Yes, sometimes when it gets in the way of seeing the pattern to it's fullest.  That happened yesterday.  The shawl was 4/5 done and I just wasn't happy.  When I held the shawl 2 feet away I couldn't see the traveling stitches at all.  So I rippppppppeeeeeedddddddddd!   Now we will search for another yarn for that pattern ( because I love the pattern - not the easiest to follow but I loved it) and I really like the yarn so I will have to find a project for it.

Hope we've given you some ideas for Spring.  Classes are being set for Spring and Summer.  Stop in and check them out.

Coffee's on (tea too!)  Time to start knitting again.

1 comment:

Geri Krotow said...

You know I'm a process knitter--it takes me two years to finish projects because I have yarn/fiber ADD!