Friday, August 9, 2013

A little bit different

Some days I like doing what everyone else is doing and some days I don't.  I've been reading on Facebook and in how everyone is using knitting Fever's Indulgence 6-ply for socks or a scarf of many colors. 

While I like and appreciate both, I choose to march to a different drummer.  Some say it's because I'm in "grandma" mode.  I've been in "Grandma" mode for many years, so that doesn't fly.  But we do have a new toddler (former baby) in the family and it does make you think of cute little sweaters, hats, booties etc.  And someone is always having a new little one that we like to shower with some of that love, don't we?

So I looked around and found an EZ adaptation on Ravelry by Jayme Glover and it suited my mood and the yarn - so Voila!

I began the Unisex Baby Sweater -

with my Knitter's Pride #5's.  Got the yoke done and ripped!  Not the pattern or the knitter other than I didn't like the density.  So I got my #6's and began again!  Liked it so much I kept going.  Love the linen stitch pattern used.  Adds just enough interest and is truly unisex.  and look I chose green!!!!!!

And then I kept knitting.  I noticed that there appear to be 2 colors that stripe completely around and several others that do not.  Don't know how big a sweater one could make and the stripes would break down.  Wasn't interested in finding out then.  Maybe later.
I am now working the sleeves.  The author has provided directions (and Pattern changes) for both flat knitting and in-the- round.  What a nice touch.
Had I thought ahead I would have eliminated some of the buttonholes as I personally don't like that many.  and I may sew some shut.  Ever done that after- the-fact?
So here's where we are and I hope to finish this weekend.

What are working on?  I have two yarns on the table that I might use for my next project.  Stay tuned.

Oh, and don't forget to pick up class schedules or check on-line!  Until next time...I'm hugging grans this week!

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