Monday, April 6, 2015

and so it goes...

Spring is rushing in and everyone wants to be outside in the welcome sun!  Raking and planting and getting ready for outdoor fun.

Me - I can do some and then it's time to take a break!  Not much of a worked these days.  Sure wish I could afford to hire someone to come in, wave a magic wand and make it look like the magazines!

Then I could sit back and enjoy it.  Used to be that I really enjoyed all that stuff.

So instead I'll share some projects that I really like!

Here's my Germinate shawl and the link:

And Jan was in wearing her Sea Urchin and I liked it so much that I had to start one.  So I picked up a hank of Zen Yarn Garden's Serenity 20 in Black Cherry and began.
Here's the link for that one:

Am looking at 2 or 3 other patterns for different items and trying to decide what needs to be done next.

Oh, and I have one sweater to sew/graft together but.....

We all know how that goes.

So what's on your needles or hooks?

Don't forget-  tonite's the CAL group.  Love to crochet?  Here's the group for you.  Work on your own or join in.  They meet at 6:30PM on the first Monday of the month.

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