It's so hard to get "in the mood"! Everyone keeps saying Summer is over and it's time for Fall! Is it? Here in Central Pa it's 85-90 degrees and 90% humidity. Feels like Florida! The heat/humidity is supposed to break this weekend and not too soon.
A couple of weeks ago Miss Marcia (many of you know her from the shop) started to knit fields
and Rae-Ann was too. We don't see Rae-Ann as much any more because of work but she's still around folks! Anyway, then Jan K started one
and then Deb F started one in Mille Colori Sock & Lace. As you can see, it uses 2 different colorways of yarn knitting 2 rows with one; then 2 with the other.
Well of course I wanted to do one but I had a deadline. Nothing like waiting til the last minute! But that's me (and another story). So here's a peek - you'll see the finished project at Knitters' Day Out or after that on this blog.
I used Claudia Hand Painted Yarn Addiction in color Tranquility. This yarn is so wonderful to work with. I've always used it for hats, shawls and fingerless gloves. I think it was made for shawls! What stitch definition and it shows the pattern so well.
So now that it's finished, I can join in the Winding Fields KAL. Appropriately named for thinking about Fall, I wanted fall-ish colors. And you all know I'm so not a browns person. I like browns but browns don't like me and we are all about what makes us look good or makes the person our talents are given to to enjoy. I started on a mission. First I looked at some teals. Of course, the hand paint had some brown in it and that's okay. But I always use teals for a fall theme. That's as close as I get to that group of colors. I wanted something to look - no shout- FALL is here!
So at first I tried grouping two glitter yarns - Dream in Color's Starry in Lipstick Lava and Zen Yarn Garden's Serenity Glitter Sock in Tundra.
I tried making Starry color A and then tried Glitter Sock as Color A. Wasn't working for me. Love both yarns but together it wasn't giving me what I wanted. So I went on a search and I found Zen's Serenity 20 in Tangerine. Wow! This ought to pop and then some.
and so last night after 2 hours with a certain 2 year old, I sat down to relax. And knit and relax. Have a bite or two of chocolate and knit. And it was so relaxing. Can't wait for the weather to cool off but I'm chillin' right now. What are you working on?
Oh, and since there are so many of us now, we have a KAL going on Saturday, Sept 6th at 1 PM. join in the fun! Mixing colors can be so much fun.
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