Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Do you.....

Do you...
1. Knit/crochet all year round?
2.  Only knit/crochet when it's cool?
3.  Knit/crochet for others?
4.  Only make things for yourself?
5.  Use Ravelry.com?

6. Load your projects on Ravelry?
7. Read Group threads?  Know how to find patterns?
8.  struggle when trying to find a pattern?
9.  Store your stash records here?
10. Don't even know what this means?

11.  Would you like a class in what Ravlery can do for you?

Post comments here, on Ravlery (group:  The Colonial Yarn Shop)  or drop us a message on Facebook (The Colonial Yarn Shop)

Can't promise to teach you everything but we can cover a lot and make you feel surer of your efforts.


Hannah said...

I'm a college student and just recently started knitting again. Found your store online and hope to visit sometime soon!

Do you...
1. Knit/crochet all year round? A: Sometimes.
2. Only knit/crochet when it's cool? A: More so when it's cold.
3. Knit/crochet for others?
A: Yes
4. Only make things for yourself?
A: Occasionally
5. Use Ravelry.com?
A: No but I have heard that most people do. Just haven't gotten around to signing up.

6. Load your projects on Ravelry?
7. Read Group threads? Know how to find patterns?
8. struggle when trying to find a pattern?
9. Store your stash records here?
A: Ummm?
10. Don't even know what this means?
A:Pretty much.

11. Would you like a class in what Ravlery can do for you?
A: Maybe, would have to drive quite a bit to get to the shop though.

Hannah said...

I am college student and recently started knitting more regularly.
Found your shop online and hope to visit soon!

1. Knit/crochet all year round?
A: Sometimes
2. Only knit/crochet when it's cool?
A: Mostly
3. Knit/crochet for others?
A: Yes
4. Only make things for yourself?
A: Occasionally
5. Use Ravelry.com?
A: o

6. Load your projects on Ravelry?
7. Read Group threads? Know how to find patterns?
8. struggle when trying to find a pattern?
9. Store your stash records here?
A: Ummm.
10. Don't even know what this means?
A: Pretty much.

11. Would you like a class in what Ravlery can do for you?
A: Maybe. Would need to drive to get to the shop though.

TXDidi said...

I am constantly amazed at the number of knitters who aren't familiar with Ravelry. I was just telling a grocery clerk (a young knitter) about the site yesterday. I think this would be a great class for folks who either don't know about it and would like to see what all the fuss is about or for those who want to learn more about what is available up on Ravelry and how it can work for them.