Thursday, October 10, 2013

A cousin?

Toady the husband came into the shop.  Do you remember the other day, I mentioned the freaky thing with my Mom's maiden name?  Well, he looks just like my Pepere.  It was amazing!

We talked.  he told me about where he grew up  and how his father wanted to get away from the rest of the family.  He didn't know much about other relatives because they went with his mother's side more.

So I guess I have some digging to do.  I know we have to be related.  No one could look like Albert Louis Courchene that much and not be related.  Although this gentleman spells his last name Courchesne, which I have found a lot. 

When I looked at Pepere and & Memere's wedding picture, it was so much like this man.  He thought so too. 

Connections - where you least expect them.

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